Winter and Simpson Print have always taken the impact of printing on the environment seriously and act accordingly to protect our planet for our future generations. As a company, we have incorporated many ways to reduce our impact that has resulted in Winter and Simpson Print being a recognised, fully certified FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) printing company. We have always recycled our waste and despite an increase in printed sheet production we are proud to have drastically reduced our landfill waste. All our work is printed using vegetable based inks.

Our status as a FSC® certified printer relates to the Chain Of Custody Standards which means our clients can connect their own printed material with responsible forest management that care for the world’s forests, habitats and indigenous peoples.

Choosing Winter & Simpson Print as your supplier will tell your audience or clients that you take your responsibility to the environment seriously and have acted accordingly by selecting a FSC® certified print company.

For more information on FSC® please visit www.fsc-uk.org/en-uk

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